Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Call of the Wild.

Well, this is it. I have finally succumbed to all things interwebs related. Facebook? Check. Twitter? Check. Blog? Wow....check. It's weird how wanting to start a business makes you want to connect.

Anyways, as the days drag on and the seasons change I'll be posting my random musings about brewing and the industry in general. There will probably be lots of drinking involved and probably some beer reviews. Hopefully I have something interesting to say and hopefully you enjoy reading what I have to say. Until later, keep evolving!


  1. Awesome, I look forward to following your progress. We need to meet up sometime soon to drink and talk about brewing.
    -Mike (Payette Brewing)

  2. Most definitely. I don't think I ever let yah know how much I enjoyed your IPA at the comp. It is really well balanced.
